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Chelsea June 20 – August 2, 2024
Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography
Tiptoeing Through the Kitchen, Recent Photography
Chelsea April 26 – June 8, 2024
Pipilotti Rist
Pipilotti Rist
Prickling Goosebumps & a Humming Horizon Chelsea November 18, 2023 – March 30, 2024
Mohammed Sami
Mohammed Sami
Muzzle of Time Chelsea September 8 – October 28, 2023
Lee Friedlander Framed  --by Joel Coen
Lee Friedlander Framed --by Joel Coen
Chelsea May 13 – July 28, 2023
Buck Ellison
Buck Ellison
Little Brother Chelsea March 17 – April 29, 2023
Charles Atlas
Charles Atlas
A Prune Twin Chelsea January 28 – March 11, 2023
Ragnar Kjartansson
Ragnar Kjartansson
There is a song in my heart and a hammer in my brain Chelsea October 29 - December 17, 2022
Georg Baselitz
Georg Baselitz
20th Century Prints September 6 – October 15, 2022
A group exhibition of CENTRAL FINE artists Chelsea June 24 – August 5, 2022
Jeremy Moon
Jeremy Moon
May 6 – June 18, 2022
Eva LeWitt
Eva LeWitt
Chelsea March 25 – April 30, 2022
The Medieval Body
The Medieval Body
in conjunction with Sam Fogg Chelsea January 21 – March 12, 2022
Tomm El-Saieh
Tomm El-Saieh
Toma Chelsea November 5 – December 22, 2021
Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller
After the summer of smoke and fire Chelsea September 10 – October 23, 2021
Plus One
Plus One
Chelsea June 23 – August 6, 2021
Emo Verkerk: Why Not?
Emo Verkerk: Why Not?
Curated by Karel Schampers Chelsea May 1 – June 12, 2021
Boyle Family
Boyle Family
Nothing is more radical than the facts Chelsea March 6 – April 24, 2021
Frank Auerbach
Frank Auerbach
Selected Works, 1978-2016 Chelsea October 31, 2020 – February 20, 2021
Lee Friedlander
Lee Friedlander
Chelsea September 12 – October 24, 2020
Richard Rezac
Richard Rezac
Chelsea March 14 – August 21, 2020
Gothic Spirit: Medieval Art from Europe
Gothic Spirit: Medieval Art from Europe
in association with Sam Fogg Chelsea January 25 – March 7, 2020
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