Luhring Augustine Opens in Chelsea
May 28 – August 15, 1998
On May 28, Luhring Augustine will inaugurate their new Chelsea space with a group show of new work by gallery artists.
Each of the artists will introduce a new piece for this show. Rachel Whiteread will present a new book sculpture, Untitled (Two Shelves), derived from her public project for a Holocaust memorial in Vienna. Paul McCarthy has realized a new sculptural work, Apple Heads, a contemporary rendering of Adam and Eve with male and female figures capped by enormous apples. Yasumasa Morimura’s contribution to the show continues his series of self-portraits, depicting himself within the most recognizable icon of Western art history, the Mona Lisa.
Christopher Wool, Albert Oehlen and Fiona Rae will each contribute a new painting. Steve Wolfe, will unveil a piece that he has been working on for eight years, Untitled, (Piano Music for Erik Satie). This recently completed work on paper is made up six meticulously fabricated album covers, which have been shown separately at Luhring Augustine as works in progress. Pipilotti Rist will install Mutaflor, a video projection as a floor piece, currently included in Pipilotti’s solo exhibition at the Hamburger Banhoff in Berlin. Luhring Augustine will present Mutaflor’s New York premiere.
Janine Antoni’s most recently editioned C-print, Ingrown, will be on view for the first time as will a unique large format photograph of Moscow Constructivist Architecture by German artist Gunther Forg. The Brazilian multi-media artist Tunga will show Pente (Scalp), a floor installation of brass comb and hair that was featured in his travelling 20-year survey that was presented at Bard Center of Curatorial Studies and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Miami. Luhring Augustine will also introduce their fall season with a solo exhibition by Tunga, his first major New York City exhibition.
Time Go Round, part of Tatsuo Miyajima’s important exhibition last year at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth and then at the Hayward in London. This major work of rotating red and green LED’s installed on armatures mimic time progression in its most recognizable form: the clock.
This historical show will mark a threshold for Luhring Augustine, as the gallery and its artists explore a new architectural context for the exhibition of their work.
For further information, please contact Michele Maccarone at 212 206 9100